Thursday, September 29, 2011

7 "Must-Have" Herbs to Grow in Your Garden

!±8± 7 "Must-Have" Herbs to Grow in Your Garden

Basil 1

There are so many varieties of basil, but all are large, so always use that are available to plant in your area. My favorite is basil. Sweet Basil was originally from the Mediterranean.

Some people, like the basil plants from seedlings, because it is a little 'easier. You can store the seeds in each plant in the spring. Spring is really the best time to plant basil, especially if you are outside the plant. You can get a little 'previously, if you plant inside.

Basil is a very versatile plant that is used in many dishes of Mediterranean and Italian cuisine. It 'used in soups and sauces are used to taste so good. Basil is a way to bring the sweetness in a dish, and for improving the whole benefit. The trick is to use the right amount of fresh basil, not too little, as the basil plant is relatively mild and easily loses its flavor. For this reason, not to keep more basil on the shelfa year. Basil is best used in order to use it fresh, immediately after cutting.

2 Garlic

Garlic is one of the greatest herbs on the planet, in terms of adding flavor and nutrition of your food. They are steamed or raw, garlic is a must for many dishes. I like the Russian garlic. This is my favorite because the taste is fantastic.

Garlic has a Russian shell pink on the outside and organic agriculture in general. It 'better to grow organic garlic, because itget the most nutritional value of organic garlic. A clove of garlic finely chopped, romaine lettuce is great for quick and easy salad. Add organic cold-pressed olive oil and balsamic vinegar salad and you have a food simple and beautiful.

Garlic can be used in almost every main course. I have also heard of people using garlic in their deserts, but I have no way to get to do this. If you eat the right amount of garlic, not too one with each meal, you will not have bad breath.As long as the body takes the food you eat, there will be no lasting smell. But if you have a problem with that just boil or fry the garlic and care in general is the problem. You can also drink peppermint tea after meals to fresh breath.

3 Oregano

Oregano is great in tomato sauces, soups, stir fries and sliced ​​fresh as a garnish in salads. If you get rid of undesirable bacteria in foods we eat, or even want in the intestine, the oregano is aantibacterial herb that kill unwanted bacteria. Oregano tastes great and is used in many Italian dishes. Oregano is also known as one of the highest foods contain antioxidants.

Antioxidants to fight free radicals in the body, then the oregano is very beneficial to the body. It can help a person maintain their youth, when free radicals to the aging process of the body. So, take advantage of oregano on a regular basis. Growing herbs in your garden or window sill, andThey cut the leaves scented for everyday use.

4 Chives

Chives are relatively easy to grow inside or outside and are a great side dish. Chives are a type of mild and spicy green onion with a deep rich color of green, full of sulfur. This improves the flavor of many dishes of mashed potatoes to omelets. Chives are used in mashed potatoes and sprinkled on the soup as a garnish.

Chives grow in small groups of about five 55 small bulbs. If you want to use them throughout the yearlong, cut two or three strains of each group. The next day, cut one or two strains. It 'best to leave about two inches of growth from the base of the plant so it grows further.

If the chives growing in the open air, after three years of growth, it is best to root and divide and replant clumps of chives. In this way remains fresh chives and not too crowded. If you want to do some 'money, you can easily plant three sets of five minutes before six lampssmall boats, with a whole on the ground, and sell the whole container. People want to buy potted plants and chives in her windowsill.

Sage 5

There are many different types of sage, each with different flavor differences, but all are very good. Sage is very beneficial to the body. And 'well-known to help calm nerves and relieve headaches due to nervous stress. The people burn sage to purify the air and get rid of negative energy accumulated in the area.Sage smell good when it burns.

Sage is known that the oral cavity, mostly to help the teeth and gums. Sage will help to fight cavities. Organic toothpaste, for example, are usually stored as one of its main components. In India, people brush their teeth with sage leaves the ground. If no toothpaste, you can try.

Sage, you can help joint pain caused by nerves. Basically, any condition that causes unease because of nervousness can be relieved with sage. Essen,Sage is usually used with meat, for example, adds almost everyone says their stuff turkey. Sage can be sprinkled on the top side of pork, beef, chicken, turkey and sausage every time. Each protein-rich food that is difficult to digest, will benefit from the use of sage. Essay not only taste, but also help to digest the high protein diet.

6 Mint

Mint is an easy plant to grow every day that can be used to add flavor to your water or lemonade. Spearmint is used, the cooking andsalads, whereas peppermint is usually used for tea. You can easily grow mint from a seed, both indoors and outdoors.

If growing outdoors, plant it in a container in the ground, so that it does not take over your garden. Cut off the mint leaves using scissors and use daily and it will replenish itself. Mint likes to have about 4 to 5 hours of sunshine per day. It prefers to grow in the shade. Mint helps to keep pests away in your garden.

Mint has a refreshing aroma, even if you rub it between your two fingers. You can put a leaf in your mouth to freshen up your breath any time. Mint will help aid digestion. After lunch or dinner is a great time for mint tea. A combination of green tea and mint is also very nice.

You can dry your fresh mint easily on a cookie sheet in the sun, covered by light cheese cloth. This way you can use the mint all winter long, when it is especially nice to sip on hot tea. In the summer time, however, add ice and lemon to fresh mint for a cooling and relaxing drink. It is also very beneficial to your stomach and can help with gallstones, irritable bowel syndrome and the common cold. If you have an upset stomach, drinking mint tea can help alleviate the symptoms.

7. Dill

Dill is one of the easiest herbs to grow. It grows almost like a weed. What is so great about dill is its distinct flavor. Dill is a must have in borscht or any dish that has cabbage in it. Flavor your coleslaw with a bit of fresh dill, and people will be complementing you. Dill goes great with yogurt dishes as well. It can be used in soups, salads, sauces and as a garnish.

If you have an outside garden, all you will need is to plant your dill seed and it will grow. When it is full grown, do not wait for your plant to go into seed. Instead, cut the leafy dills and lay them on a cookie sheet. Put the cookie sheet outside in the sun until it is dry and transfer it into a glass container. You will have freshly dried dill for the rest of the whole year. What is so great about this is that you know exactly when and how your herb was harvested. You know it was sun-dried and that it is healthy. You will know that there were no chemicals sprayed on your dill.

When it comes to drying your dill, if it is rainy outside or humid, place your cookie sheet inside the house near a big window where the sun can filter through and dry it out. It may take a little longer to dry, but it will work as well. You will enjoy your dill on all of your favorite recipes. In recipes that require dill, there is no substitute. Dill is...well.....dill!

7 "Must-Have" Herbs to Grow in Your Garden

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Thursday, September 22, 2011

Horsetail (Equisetum) - Ridding the garden of this pernicious weed

!±8± Horsetail (Equisetum) - Ridding the garden of this pernicious weed

Have you noticed the rampant spread of horsetail (Equisetum) in gardens and public landscapes in recent years? And 'the theme of ever-increasing number of requests for professional gardeners across the country faced. Where does this stuff come from and how it was to get into these landscapes? And 'manageable? How? And most say that the problem of all: why not [insert name of popular herbicide here] kill?

Listen to this last appeal by adesperate gardeners:

"Fear of help, I am the return of horsetail year, I have a nice slope in my front yard mulched which is landscaped with evergreens, rhododendrons, azaleas, bulbs and a pair of pretty trees, flowering crab. This area trails for a culvert, which is a wetland and marsh iris -. it a really fun project, but potentially come through the mulch horsetail We just moved into the house last year and tried to get rid of it gallons of RoundUp!invasive vine, but it took forever and not a little 'more attractive. We welcome all suggestions and all you can give us. "

I feel like scenes from visitors to the garden and emailers several times per season. Sources of this intruder usually turns garden "in the wetlands near" and "We had brought a load of mulch last year .. .." It is often maintained in a professional landscape near medium-high level with business and commercial center in the parking lot sawPlants. Sometimes appears as a new outbreak near the base of trees and shrubs installed recently, or in addition to an investment of a dug by the roadside or meadow wet desert. While the most common source is a domestic garden in the vicinity of wetlands, it is a foregone conclusion that a large number of new infestations of delivered loads of mulch and landscape caused, unfortunately, in containers or "balled-and-burlapped" plants. Nursery and shredded bark has long been a source of highly invasive weeds andaggressive grasses, stocks mainly imported from dubious sources, both on-and off-shore. All this indicates the need, mulch or plant sources to choose carefully. Buy only from reliable and, if possible, local sources. Reject any container plant, which can be blocked by weeds or weedy ground appear - especially if the weeds have seed heads show.

Horsetail (Equisetum) is easily among the most persistent and pernicious "weeds" of all time ... withwithstand millions of years is developing the most insignificant of defense, threw the gardener in his inventive and desperate modern uncontrollably. Giving the impression, as a diminutive, long-needled, single seedlings of pine ancestral ranging from a few inches, as much as the foot-and-half, horsetail is thin black roots underground journey, usually a few meters over a single season before emerging as a new installation. Pulling at this point only serves to force theintact in the new underground facility to emphasize (or several new) direction, a situation exacerbated already almost unmanageable. But there is some good news to go along with all the evil.

First the good: Almost every creature (including us) can - and often does - use horsetail for food. Delicate growing tips, for example, extra virgin olive oil with other vegetables, vegetables, stir fried chicken breast and cut into cubes, a pleasant taste and texture. It may also be some nutritional valueof which I do not know.

Well, I'm afraid the bad news: it can be incredibly difficult to control. . . Even more difficult to drive. There are four approaches to deal with a ponytail ... not everyone will agree, no doubt, quite acceptable.

As attempts emailer 1 above, can be sprayed with Roundup several times during the first year, the active growth. Whenever three or four inches tall, has struck again! Do not waste time spraying hard granddaddies old ... Beat them down andwait until new growth has reached the optimal level for treatment. (See note below).

2 Ponytail can not stand up - in all, deeply disturbing, hacking, ripping, tearing, removal and destruction - which, if covered already tried RoundUp, may be their best option. Strangely, I have a similar situation in most of our gardens. Ground is much improved in a bed next to a display Daylily low, damp stain. Horsetail discovered land enriched and have literally exploded inwith a vengeance! The only way out and rescue the naked root daylilies to remove all traces of the parasite to be that healthy crops of horsetail with every weapon in the arsenal to go: shovel, wheelbarrow, Farmers, and sprays - and a lot of time and several pairs of jeans really dirty now. And 'the season of growth take-kill, to kill the growth. Unfortunately, of course, the adjacent site is still wet there and I'm sure it will return the horsetail. A constant battle.

A furtherthought, if you've never Option # 3, to allow the tenant or his horsetail adjacent pods ripe for picking. Snap off and destroy, you see. Even if you do not really need to spread the seeds (Metro horsetail makes good), are much easier to evict them from gardens where the soil is not infiltrated by two sets of seeds and root causes. Seed grown under the soil surface to rest - and fully capable of living - have been waiting years to get back on the revegetatedSurface.

3 Save desirable plants, carefully cleaned, cut planted somewhere else, losses and run. Abandonment. Perhaps it is not an acceptable option.

4 A final choice remains: Horsetail is little effect on established shrubs and trees also absorb their share of food and water, and in fact is not so unattractive plant mass in a ... a little 'like a rich, green carpet. You want to save the bulbs and other small objects ... but a populationSiberian Iris in different colors, heights and flowering times, for example in a sea of ​​green, sometimes cultivated horsetail, may display attractive. Just a thought. On second thought, naw!

Whatever you choose always, neither you nor our friends e-mail, probably never completely get rid of this miserable pest control wetlands ... and control will be an ongoing battle. My inclination is to somehow learn to live with - and suffer much less wear on the back, jeans, and the heartSoul. In addition, although manufacturers claim that certain herbicides are totally safe, I'm trying to reserve not yet revealed any potential long-term consequences of repeated use of 'Ol Mother Earth and in the homes of its inhabitants harbor.

Note: Due to the post, to the use of "gallon" I think that turned the word apparently less expensive, premixed, 'amateur' version of gardeners with RoundUp impractical integrated trigger sprayer instead aconventional cap. In my opinion this would be a perfectly acceptable choice to beat a few dandelions, chickweed, plantain, or become, but when it comes to this rugged ancient inhabitants of the primordial swamp and wetlands, the development of prehistoric investedeons toughness comes - a resounding "no I think so! "Go for the concentrate. It 'can be more expensive at first but if the gallons of concentrate, you get the picture, and compare it with the price of allthose girls have not yet been ineffective premixed solution, there is a significant savings of money and the final result. Apply at the rate of 1-1/2 to 2 ounces per gallon of water, and apply a large project in a very quiet day, early in the morning. I highly recommend, along with an assistant, who will wear to protect a large piece of cardboard or a poly film to evaluate the plants, and mishap to the dispersion. Be very careful where you walk, after spraying - will almost certainly getSome of the material on the bottom of the shoes, which can lead to a trail of footprints in a completely dead lawn. Wash your hands and clothes immediately after spraying to prevent accidental transmission of residues on indoor plants and to avoid any unforeseen complications.

Horsetail (Equisetum) - Ridding the garden of this pernicious weed

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Friday, September 16, 2011

Twigs and berries in floral designs

!±8± Twigs and berries in floral designs

It could be the use of natural branches in floral dramatic impact position. Natural manzanita branches are, birch, curly willow, red twig dogwood branches, and flowering witch hazel. Sierra Manzanita has a wonderful bonsai look that is great alone or under. Everyone is different, its look and what are the different seasons. Branches can be used alone or in a floral vase. The only good thing about buying offices are the mostfrom them the eternal, non-perishable, so much of the flora with which we work.

When you add topics, themes, the potential is unlimited. I like going to the mountains and natural branches covered with green moss. I am using this in living plants to create gardens. In addition, replicas of small birds in a nest in the branches of a forest will be perched. Curly willow can be used for the amount of green plants and fresh or silk arrangements add. These sectors can, of course, can be leftsprayed any color of your choice. Glitter can be applied to the branches for a festive effect.

Pieces of wood are sanded very special natural grapeseed oil industry. Every piece of land with grape seed oil shows very beautiful grain and knots. This is also a very knotty piece of wood with ups and downs. Small animals in the forest, moss, birds and eggs are the appropriate accents.

Branches with berries on them, some of my favorites. They are so versatile. Natural Huckleberry brancheswith faux red berries can be purchased from the wholesaler. These branches are well in wreaths and container designs. Pyracantha berries are also a good choice for most of the year. They can be grown in a home landscape. Pyracantha berries range from orange to dark brown. Orange for their brown color makes it great for fall designs.

The berry is a truncated branch hypernicum with olive green to dark brown berries. Hypernicum berries combined with preserved oak leaves andCattails are also choices for a spectacular design in the fall. Hypernicum berries have become popular in bridal bouquets. Stems with berries can be either fresh, natural form, the variety of dried or artificial, which depicted realistic. Do not forget to collect the materials in a responsible way by nature.

Natural branches can be used in buckets, baskets or boxes and place draped with white lights. This kind of preparation makes it a fascinating exhibition for your business,Show or event window, where you need to play. Flexible and easy to use, artificial branches and berries can be arranged and new for all types of events.

In the spring blossoms are readily available. Forsythia is, branches of cherry, willow, apple and crabapple blossoms. These branches are not very strong. They have a number of buds and flowers that bloom, the power to do more. Nothing is more attractive, and says that spring iscome as a vase of forsythia. Flowering branches can be ordered from your local wholesalers. Look around your yard and neighborhood for flowering branches as well.

Twigs and berries can be used in high-level design for everyday nature, earth-creations. Large bundles of twigs and berries with lots of natural raffia tied around the shop are your terrific accent pieces. A large pile of branches or berries can be purchased at your local dealer for about $ 5.00-$ 8.00. A beamgoes a long way. With berries and branches in the projects is a way to differentiate your store from mass marketing. Natural materials like this give your business a unique character and personality.

Twigs and berries in floral designs

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Sunday, September 11, 2011

Herbal Recipes from Gaia Garden

!±8± Herbal Recipes from Gaia Garden

One of my greatest joys of collecting herbs and flowers during the summer to use fresh or preserved by drying or infusion tincturing oil. Although I can not prove it, I feel something special herbs grown close to home, the benefits to us essential, the level of vibration. In autumn, the garden was put to bed, I have great pleasure of "Gaia's Garden" herbal medicine and body care goodies for family and friends. And it is surprisingly easy.

Herbal teaThe extra virgin olive oil is the basis for my healing ointments. You can buy these (very expensive) or make them. This is a summer project, but now you can start by deciding on and ordering seeds to plant where. My favorites are calendula, arnica, mullein, comfrey and peppermint for its healing properties, lavender and geranium for their wonderful aromas. Gather the herbs at their peak in the morning before the heat of the day, but after the dew has dried. Allow to dry for a fewHours or during the night because too much moisture can cause a milky substance in the form of oil, or it may mold. Bring a cup about 3 / 4 full of herbs, pour eighth in extra virgin olive oil to completely immerse the herbs, remove all air bubbles, then set the glass covers. Put them in a warm, sunny window for at least two weeks and try to shake the oil daily. Strain through several layers of cheesecloth into a clean jar in a cool, dark place. If you are inspired to make some oil with herbsis the first summer, you can crockpot very clean. Herbs and place the oil in a saucepan and cook on low for 4 to 6 hours or more.

Being in the recipes that can be "oil" followed by a type or a mixture. Note the differences between species (almond oil, grapeseed oil, apricot kernel oil, hemp, sunflower and jojoba oil are all great) and use your intuition to decide to whom and in what proportion. Start with the use of essential oils, with a few drops, sniff, you add more and so on. I often experiencemixtures but sometimes the simplest is best: Calendula infused oil, lavender essential oil and beeswax for skin problems, infused with peppermint oil, peppermint oil and tea tree essential oils and beeswax sore feet, arnica-infused oil and beeswax for bruises, aches and pains.

More than ointments and creams you can (capped with a blend of pure essential oils to carrier oil in the bottle nice and sealed with beeswax), massage oils, air fresheners (water, a little 'of alcohol andessential oils in a spray bottle), talc (cosmetic clay, cornstarch, arrowroot powder, and essential oils in a shaker can), bath salts (minerals, salt, white clay, dried herbs and essential oils), cereals cleaning (corn, oats, ground and ground lavender flowers), and much more.

So you are planning on it, are herbs with love and intention. Apart from the sufficient time to collect what you need, take a moment to go downtown and focus, then in a relaxed manner. Imaginethe energies of the herbs used, they are infused in oil, dried and powdered, or as a concentrate of essential oils. Close your eyes and see the plant alive and dynamic. Breathe in their nature and know that this entity will be present in the preparation, for the love and care you put into improving the process.

Subject to the basic

A slightly warm over very low heat 1 / 2 cup of oil in a glass or stainless steel pot (or use a double boiler). Add 2 tablespoons of beeswax. Stir untilBeeswax is melted then remove from heat. Add a few drops of essential oil if desired. Pour into glasses. The ointment is set as it cools. (This recipe can be doubled).

Lip Balm

Balm lip balm is put into a pot or a tube. The basic recipe above will make about 12 ointment jars or tubes. The best oils are almond oil, apricot oil, hemp oil, grapeseed oil. Supplement of vitamin E is nice, too. If you want the flavor, add a few drops of peppermint oil or other natural essential oils. Soil can alkanet *be added after the beeswax is melted. Thus, the red lip balm and also acts as a natural sunscreen. If alkanet is used, the strain through cheesecloth before pouring into jars or tubes.

Face and Body Cream

The most important things to remember when making this cream is to keep the same proportion of oil to water and to ensure that all ingredients at room temperature before mixing. I use a mixture of light, nourishing oils and coconut oil or cocoa butter. For water, I usedistilled water or distilled water of roses or other flowers, and aloe vera gel. Occasionally I have an herbal tea made with distilled water and herbs such as rose, chamomile and lavender, but the cream is not that long.

Combine chosen to make a cup of water. Add essential oils to the water. Set aside. Put a cup of oil (including cocoa butter or cocoa if using) in small saucepan. Add 3 tablespoons of beeswax. Place over low heat and stir until the solid melted. Immediately pour into a blender and set asidelet cool. You want it to be semi-solid cream. I put the glass next to an open window or in the refrigerator to speed up the process, but watch carefully. When the oils are cooled, turn mixer to high speed and slowly fill the water in a blender (such as making mayonnaise). If the mixer starts to choke, turn slowly and remaining water and beat in his hand. It can not be beaten. Whip the cream into the glasses prepared. Becomes thicker as it goes. Store in a cool place.(The "model" for this recipe Rosemary Gladstar the "Famous Face Cream").


Dyes are highly concentrated liquid extracts of herbs. I prefer capsules, tinctures, it is the last indefinitely and makes it easier, not to mention much cheaper than you buy dyes. I use good quality 100 vodka, brandy or rum can be used. Glycerites are dyes with glycerin (vegetable glycerin is better), which is dense and sweet. It is notdissolves resins, oils, alkaloids, salts or dyes so glycerites not as strong as alcohol, but the sweet taste makes it palatable for children.

Dyes can with fresh or dried herbs are high quality products. Wilt fresh herbs (like oil), then chop finely chopped before packaging in a wide-mouthed jar with a lid attached. Fill the jar with the herbs, pour in alcohol, then upward, allowing you to remove any air bubbles (this will be about one part in two grassAlcohol). (To use some chopped finely crushed dried herbs or herb alcohol four 56 pieces.) Cover and shake, shake, shake. Put the magic in the dye. Close your eyes and paint the grass / s glowing health and vitality, and feel the glass in your hand. On a warm, dark place for at least four weeks, longer is fine. Often shake the feeling that the magic.

Vermont herbalist Rosemary Gladstar advises: "Take this time to enchant and to create high-quality a good medicine."If the tincture is ready to go through several layers of gauze out every bit of effort. Pour into dark bottles of dye through a funnel. And do not forget the label. Adults: In general, the acute illness with 1 / 4 to 1 / 8 tsp. every hour or so. In chronic illness, take 1 / 4 teaspoons three times a day. (For a full dropper is approximately 1 / 2 teaspoon).

The Basics

Olive oil is great, make the herb oil, but is a bit 'difficult for creams and massage oils. To search for other carrier oils: sweetAlmonds, grapes, apricot kernel oil, hemp, sunflower and jojoba oil. High quality beeswax is indispensable. I recommend finding beeswax beads or pellets - without grid and very easy to measure. Cocoa butter, aloe vera, vitamin E and coconut oil is great to have on hand, plus a selection of pure essential oils for fragrance and healing improved. Perfume and fragrance oils are synthetic and do not have healing properties.

It 'a good idea to use, the utensils to prepare ointments andCreams, such as for cooking. I have two small heat-resistant glass jars, private wooden spoon, spatula and funnel rubber, a small whisk, measuring spoons, a food scale, mortar and pestle and a coffee grinder for spices. I use the mixer at home, but I wash it very hot soapy water before and after use. And do not forget the containers. Recycled glasses are sterilized in order, just use common sense (not the old medicine bottles or film canisters), and more. Do not reusePlastic.

Basic Resources

It would be impossible to list all my favorite books are herbs so this list is the "extra-short." The vendors offer a full range of products - oils, beeswax, all types of glasses, vases and bottles, essential oils, clay and salt, and dried herbs (Organic / Wildcrafted), books, and their tea just herbal creams, and extracts. Avena Botanicals offers a wide range of workshops and apprentice programs.

Herbal Recipes from Gaia Garden

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Sunday, September 4, 2011

The protea family (Proteaceae)

!±8± The protea family (Proteaceae)

The protea family (Proteaceae) includes a wide range of ground covers, trees and shrubs, garden plants are often beautiful. While some species are sensitive to frost, are in all other respects remarkably resilient plants that often grow in situations where others would rapidly succumb. Poor soils and hot, dry spots, which seem almost to life are often ideal for Proteaceae. If all the plants you could say that thrive on neglect the proteas.
Proteas (theTerm is often used collectively as well as the same species) will be used are set of variables. In fact, the family moved to Proteus, a greek god can change his form called anything. It includes about 60 genera and 1400 species of plants in the southern hemisphere, which is most of South Africa and Australia with the rest of South America and many Pacific islands, including two species (Knight and Toroni Toru excelsa) from characteristics of New Zealand.
There is a hugeVariety of foliage among the proteas. It 'almost always evergreen, needle-like, but may, as grevilleas many long, narrow and serrated like the Dryandra formosa, or rounded and leathery like the leaves of Protea cynaroides. Some genera, particularly Leucadendron include species with bright leaves, whose intensity varies depending on the season. Leucadendron stems retain their color for weeks to cut and are an important part of the cut flower.
ProteaThe flowers are clusters of narrow tubes that are curved along often. This "spider" flowers are at their most simple in the two native species and some of grevilleas seen. In many cases, what appears to be the flower is actually a bract of brightly colored leaves for real flowers. The most striking example of the plate-sized flowers of Protea is cynaroides. The flowering period varies, and many grevilleas Protea flowers in winter, as they tend Leucospermumto bloom in summer. With careful selection, you can plant in bloom all year.
The flowers often contain large amounts of nectar that many birds enjoy. Some species have very sticky flowers, insects, especially bees an this side a little 'darker the flower seems to have no special purpose is the case.
South Africa and Australia Proteaceae tend their best in warm, dry and often thrive in coastal areas. Home,Early and late frosts often kill all premature, but the hardest of the samples. Species from South America tends to prefer something more robust and shock conditions. Embothrium particularly hard frosts and can be grown almost all over the country. But where winter temperatures regularly to -6 ° C or lower, most proteas require frost protection. Drop
Unlike a suitable climate, is the key to success with proteas foundation of the right soil conditions. The ProteaFamily is based primarily on mineral soils that drain very quickly and often adapted to low nutrient content. These soils are typically moderately acidic and are often particularly low in phosphates.
Good drainage is essential. Clay rich and heavy clay soils are not good protea. If you have a heavy soil, do not try with the addition of sand or gravel, as this is often the problem is to improve even worse, the soil binds with the sand and gravel and sets like concrete. Instead, add moreHumus. Proteas do not appreciate the rapid burst of nutrients a soil rich in humus so that should be used very poor in nutrients. Natural leaf mold and rotted pine needles work well. To avoid these materials compacting the straw in a poorly drained, contain about 50% of the fine sand, pebbles and combine the mixture with the existing terrain.
Most plants come from areas with low rainfall proteaceous, or where the rains are strictly seasonal. Many coastal states are plants, although mostSouth African genera include alpine and subalpine species. Knightia Embothrium from New Zealand and Chile are exceptions, usually occur far from the coast, in areas where rainfall is quite high and not seasonal. However, questions still excellent drainage.
Although proteas are very robust, and does not seem difficult to grow a few platitudes about its cultivation. Like most myths, this one some basis in reality, but maymisleading.
Myth 1: feeding proteas will kill them.
This is not right. Proteas need nutrients just like any other plant, but it is a bit 'more challenging than some. It is not a fertilizer, that the damage, but high levels of phosphate and intense bursts of nutrients that will lead to rapid growth. Avoid the most common garden fertilizer, the fresh manure, and all that with additional superphosphate. Because proteas tolerate poor soils, it is often easier, not for foodInstead of running the risk of damage, but you definitely better results if you apply a slow-release phosphate fertilizer low in late winter and midsummer. This keeps the plants grow slowly, but steadily growing each gland tends to weaken them.
Myth 2: proteas grow only near the coast.
It is not true. Proteaceous many plants come from within. They tolerate salt breezes, but there is no general preference for coastal conditions.
Myth 3: proteas like wind.
This is alsowrong. Proteaceous Plants do not tolerate wet foliage or high humidity for long periods and in areas that are often added to these conditions ventilation contribute to the onset of fungal diseases. However, most proteas brittle branches snap or split in high winds there are so there is no reason to believe that they prefer windy places.
Myth 4: proteas need a warm, sunny position.
Yes, most Proteaceae prefer full sun or close to something. But this does not necessarily meanhottest, most baked position found. Although they can survive in severe conditions, once established, extreme heat and drought will cause damage, particularly to young plants. Shelter from the hot sun to prolong the exhibition of flowers and, if drainage is good, occasional deep watering is recommended.
Myth 5: proteas are short-lived.

Some are and some are not. Older plants are usually long distance, before the end of their natural life, because they tend torather woody and untidy. You can usually count on a minimum of 8 years for Leucadendron and Leucospermum, and around 12 years for Protea. However, large species such as Grevillea Banksia integrifolia and robust, garden plants continue to be effective for several decades.
Plants sold in containers proteaceous more and are ready to plant immediately. However, the best time to plant depends on the climate. Fall or winter is best in temperate zones, asThis is when moisture requirements are the lowest, while spring is the preferred time if regular frosts are expected, as this allows young plants to withstand winter conditions before adopting.
Start by digging a hole at least twice the size of the container support system, this large amount of root development of loose soil is good .. Additional drainage may be added to the hole, if necessary, otherwise planting is just a matter of disposal of investmentfrom its container, loss of spiraling roots before entering the hole, then fill the hole and lift the plant in the right position. Large specimens require staking to prevent wind damage.
Reduce the use of flowers
Proteaceous many plants are excellent cut flowers lasting. Leucadendron are particularly common planted for the sole purpose of providing material for floral arrangements. Protea, Leucospermum, Banksia and flowers can be used to Serrure impressive sizeAgreements, while less dramatic and more flowers Grevillea Isopogon, the most delicate work are suitable.
Some flowers, dried flowers Protea well be bell-shaped, although they tend to disintegrate rather suddenly after a few months. Other genres such as Banksia and Leucadendron produce seed heads or cones that can be used in dried arrangements.
Most plants need from time to time proteaceous cutting and reorganization. This can improve their growth habit or removeold flowers or seed heads are dry and unpleasant.
How to cut is the usual question. This varies with the species, although usually recommended because it is only slightly decreased reshoot a general reluctance among proteas from untreated wood. The genera Banksia and Grevillea common to withstand tough cut, as Leucadendron, Telopea and mimetes, but the cut of Dryandra, Leucospermum, Serrure, Paranomus and most species of Protea, a light should be limitedannual stocking.
The best time to prune is usually immediately after flowering, if you go head to head some seeds to use as dried decorations mature. In areas where there is the possibility of frost damage, it is advisable to leave pruning in autumn and winter-flowering plants until spring.
Container growing
Some plants can be Proteaceae good container, but must be mixed with your choice of soil and fertilizer carefully. Potting mixes need to be very freeDrainage and often added coarse material, like gravel or pumice chips benefit. Bark mixes seem to work well, but some growers feel too much to produce ethylene, the plants can harm another person in the long run. Many commercial growers use soil-based mixtures, and generally prefer volcanic soils relatively poor and gritty.
Even plants with low nutrient requirements will eventually exhaust their potting mix, it is necessary to apply fertilizer occasionally. Use a mild liquid fertilizer orSpecial low-phosphate slow release pellets. Provided that you are not careful, the plants should respond well.
Proteas can be frustratingly difficult to propagate plants. Fresh seeds germinate is often only good for the seedlings to collapse after a few weeks. This is usually caused by a fungal disease that blackens the leaves and finally kills young seedlings. Regular fungicide applications are important. Fuck the young plants in a coarse, free draining, unfertilisedPotting mix once they have their first true leaves.
Selected varieties and forms must be propagated vegetatively. The usual method is semi-ripe cuttings in late summer and expected in the autumn. The success rate varies greatly, some varieties, such as Leucadendron 'Safari Sunset', very easy to hit, while many others, can be virtually impossible without professional equipment.
Pests and diseases
Growing up in the right conditions proteaceous plants are relatively free of pests and diseases,but they are attacked by something out of the ordinary. The most common problems are leaf roller caterpillars and scale insects, which can lead to sooty mold.
When growing proteas from seed, is undoubtedly lose about fungal diseases. This disease, which appears to be a kind of damping out to be, can sometimes also attack more mature plants. It looks much worse in excessively humid conditions or for long periods of high humidity. Good ventilationand to avoid overcrowding are effective safety devices and regular spraying with fungicides can control the problem.
Common genres
Many of these plants are not readily available at garden centers, even if the farmers specialize them as only the most common genera and are likely to take stock of others. All species and genera covered here are evergreen unless otherwise noted.
This is a kind of South Africa's small and medium-sized shrubs. This kindand Leucadendron are the only dioecious (separate male and female plants), members of the Proteaceae. Seed of all three species of Aulax deleted, Pallas and Aulax Aulax umbellata, is available, but only Aulax gate is commonly planted. It grows to 1.5-2m x 1m and thin needles. In the spring of female plants produce red flowers edged with yellow, which develop into red seed cones. The kitten, as the male flowers are yellow, as are those of Pallas and Aulax Aulax umbellata, thefemale flowers, which are not very obvious. Aulax pallasi increases by more than 3 meters and about 1.5 Aulax umbellata. All are resistant to about -5 ° C and usually are taken from seed.
A genus of about 60 Australian species, ranging in size from ground covers to medium-sized trees. It flowers mainly from late winter to late spring and most of the types of cylindrical cone-shaped inflorescences densely filamentous styles radiating from a central nucleus together. Creamyyellow to golden-yellow range of light is the predominant color, although some species such as Banksia ericifolia and Banksia praemorsa, golden-orange flowers and those of Banksia coccinea are red have. Most species have narrow serrated leaves that are medium to dark green above and silver-gray, fine needles on the lower sides, but Banksia ericifolia. Leaf size varies from very small to Grandis 50 cm long leaves Banksia. Resistance varies depending on the type, some are quite frostmild, but some will tolerate -10 ° C
Relatively few are seen in nurseries, but the seed of most species of Australia. Banksia ericifolia and Banksia integrifolia are the most popular products and are also the most difficult of the common species that can withstand both -10 ° C yet well established. There are some varieties or selected forms of Banksia in cultivation. Species can be grown from seed, and most also strike quite freely from semi-matureCuttings.
An Australian genus of about 60 species of shrubs ranging from about 1-4 m. Most are small, medium and dark green leaves that are often very long and narrow with deeply toothed edges. The rounded flower heads, which appear from the depths of winter, are usually light to bright yellow. The most common type Dryandra formosa, which grows to about 3 meters and is resistant to about -5 ° C, once established (most other species are less robust) is. Dryandras are excellentlong-lasting cut flowers and some of them dry thoroughly. They grow on very poor soils and usually respond poorly to most fertilizers. Raise from seed or semi-ripe cuttings, which are often difficult to beat.
The Chilean Fire Bush (Embothrium coccineum) is a small tree about 5m x 2.5 m It is 100mm long, leathery, bright green leaves that something may be scattered over the old systems. Transformed in the mid to late spring the tree bright red-orange as the honeysuckle-liketubular flowers open - the flowering period is short, but spectacular. Two forms are grown: "longifolium 'and' lanceolatum ',' longifolium 'is the most common variety is a vigorous plant built you, all drought-resistant and robust than about -10 ° C. lanceolatum."' It is a robust grower with narrow leaves. It requires more moisture, but keeps it harder frosts down to -15 ° C with some protection. However, in very cold winters, can lose up to two thirds of their leaves. TotalEmbothrium requires more moisture than most Proteaceae good drainage, but it is still important. It can be grown from seed, but is usually propagated by semi-ripe cuttings.
With about 250 species, this is the largest of its kind proteaceous Australia. The most common garden species and cultivars are ground covers to shrubs and medium enterprises (up to 3m) with needle-leaves. However, some species are far greater. The silky oak (Grevillea robusta), which is often seen in the field of mildcan grow up to 20m and in agreement with most of the larger species, has large pinnate leaves. Grevillea banksii has similar foliage but only grows to about 3.5 mx 3m.
The denser foliage plants, especially Grevillea Grevillea rosmarinifolia juniperina and are often used as hedge plants. These plants grow at least 1.5 m high.
Grevillea flowers are often described as "spider flowers." Refers to the style of some species, most of the rays from the center like aSpider legs. Some species have flowers 'brush teeth', the styles are all on one side like the bristles of a toothbrush. The best known example of this type of flower, the common red-flowering cultivar 'Robin Hood' is.
Grevillea Many varieties are grown and are usually good garden conditions. Among the most popular "Jenkins" is (a severe form of flower with red flowers Grevillea rosmarinifolia), 'Robyn Gordon' (orange-red to red toothbrush flowers)× gaudichaudii (deep red), "Canterbury Austraflora Gold '(light yellow-gold) and many varieties of Poorinda. Grevilleas plants belong to the most common and most nurseries stock a good selection proteaceous.
Species and hybrids vary enormously in strength. Some will have little or no frost, but others, such as Grevillea rosmarinifolia tolerate frosts of -10 ° C or lower, all prefer full sun with good drainage. The species are easy to remove seeds andMost hybrids recorded strike quite freely from semi-ripe cuttings in late summer or autumn.
This usually includes about 130 Australian species, some of whom are highly educated. The most common is probably Hakea laurina, the Pincushion Hakea. When not in bloom, this could easily be mistaken for a small eucalyptus. And 'blue-green narrow, elongated sickle-shaped leaves and reddish-brown bark. 6m x grows by about 4m and mature trees have a habit a little 'cry.The name refers to the pincushion flowers, which are spherical, with numerous radiating styles. They appear in late autumn and early winter, opening cream and turning to orange and red as they age. This shrub is resistant to about -5 ° C was recovered well and is readily available in most well drained soils cultivated.
Other species are the most common Hakea salicifolia, Hakea Hakea sericea and prostrate. They are resistant to about -8 ° C or slightly lower and are easily grown in most soils. Hakeasalicifolia has narrow, willow-like leaves, spider, white flowers produced in spring. Grows to 5 feet high and will tolerate poor drainage. Hakea sericea Hakea prostrate and needles are thin and white or pink flowers in winter and early spring. It grows to about 3m x 2m. All members of this genus are usually taken from seed, but some can be grown from cuttings. Some, such as H. Franciscana, are weak growers that often cut better if grafted on differentvigorous rootstocks, such as Hakea salicifolia.
Sticks, which affects the shape of the flower stems and buds closed, is a name often used to anemonifolius Isopogon, but it can also be applied to the species as a whole. It is a generally grow 34 species of Australian small and medium-sized shrubs, many of them by 1-2m high and about as wide. They have a preference for the poor soils, but well drained and rapidly collapse if too wet or supercharged. Most species are narrowlance-shaped leaves about 75 mm long and some, like the leaves are finely chopped anemonifolius common Isopogon remember Marguerite daisy or anemone.
The flower heads that open in the spring and early summer are linked together by a central cone from which radiate numerous styles. Some species have short stiff styles but others are long and stringy. The colors of the flowers are mostly white, yellow or pink. The two species most commonly grown, and Isopogon anemonifolius Isopogonanethifolius are resistant to about -5 ° C, but many species, such as Isopogon cuneatus and seductively beautiful pink and yellow flowers Isopogon latifolius, are damaged at temperatures below -2 ° C. Isopogon types generally come from seed.
The Rewa Rewa or New Zealand Honeysuckle (Knight excelsa) is the best of two new species are known proteaceous Zealand. In nature, a tree can become tall and narrow, up to 25m high and will be one of the fewproteaceous plants for the wood, which is marked very attractive were collected. In the gardens is rather reserved and rarely more than 8m x 3.5 m Rewa Rewa has semi-glossy, dark green, bronze-green, narrow, lance-shaped leaves that are tough and leathery oblong. Is produced in summer honeysuckle-like tubular flowers that develop from buds covered in a reddish-brown pubescence. As the flowers open the tomentum covered sepals and petals, the curl back to form a mass of congestedthe center of the flower. The flowers, the smell can be unpleasant, are followed by conspicuous brown, velvety pods. Rewa Rewa is easily grown in moist, well drained soil in sun or partial shade and is resistant to about -5 ° C or slightly lower, once established. It can be grown in any coastal area if protected when young. New Zealand honeysuckle is usually raised from seed and garden centers often increased storage plants ready grown.
Species of this genus are the most commonlygrowth of the South African Proteaceae and many are classified cut to the lasting quality of their floral bracts time. Most are medium sized shrubs 1 to 2.5 m high. However, one of the best known species, the silver tree (Leucadendron argenteum) growing to 10 m high and less widely grown Leucadendron eucalyptifolium may reach 5m.
Many species and varieties, but probably the most commonly planted is 'Safari Sunset'. This is a hybrid between Leucadendron and laureolumSalignum Leucadendron and is fairly typical of the genre. It has narrow, lance-shaped leaves that up to 100mm long. Some species, such as L. argenteum have leaves tomentose but 'Safari Sunset' is not. The foliage densely covers facing up the narrow, upright branches and develops deep red tints at the flowering tops. Deep red leaf bracts enclose the flower cones. As the insignificant flowers near maturity, the bracts are stained intensely. 'Safari Sunset' has red bracts but otherscream, yellow, pink or orange hues develop. "Wilson's Wonder '(yellow and red-orange),' Maui Sunset '(cream, yellow and red) and' Rewa Gold '(yellow) are among the most spectacular. Leucadendron generally develop their best colors of the mid to late winter, but 'fool' a rose, cream and green sport of 'Safari Sunset "color throughout the year.
Species and hybrids vary widely in hardness, but most tolerate frosts of -3 ° C, at least, ifhave good drainage and the humidity is not excessive. 'Safari Sunset' is resistant to about -8 ° C and the most numerous and salignum Leucadendron Leucadendron hybrid laureolum are so durable. Leucadendron North Island thrive in general in all but the coldest of key areas and can, with varying success in all coastal areas of the South Island grew.
Leucadendron is difficult to propagate. Scraps of adequate strength at the beginning of autumn are usually taken toable to hit the easiest, but the gardeners propagate without special equipment problems, and even if the seed germinates well, are inclined to damp off. Garden centers often shares a good selection of plants.
A South African genus of about 50 species, many of which are medium to large shrubs that grow by about 1.5-3m in height. Some, such as Leucospermum reflexum, have strong vertical growth habit, but most, including the commonly cultivated species, Leucospermumcordifolium, are dense and bushy. Both species have tomentose greyish-green leaves that are formed usually broadly oval, often with little red head rag. The leaves of Leucospermum reflexum are smaller and grayer than that of Leucospermum cordifolium. Leucospermum reflexum can grow up to 3 m × 3 m, but Leucospermum cordifolium is usually about 1.5 mx 1.5 m.
The flowers are variously identified as Catherine wheels, pincushions and sky rockets described, referring to thenumerous radiating styles. These are often curved, creating a vacuum effect. The heads of Leucospermum cordifolium are quite spherical, while the hanging of Leucospermum reflexum have styles at the base of the flower. The flowers usually appear in late spring and continue for about two months. They are attractive when they die, but would often unpleasant happen.
Varieties Leucospermum cordifolium Leucospermum garden and are resistant, occasional frosts of about-5 ° C, but suffer from the winter wet or damp conditions, which often die back. Good drainage is very important. The cuttings are taken in early autumn, the most likely to strike, but without the right equipment, which can be difficult and often the seed germinates well only to be killed by fungal diseases. Gritty and well-drained soil, regular use of fungicides and water enough to cover the plants up the keys to success. The orange-flowered 'Harry Chittick' is the workmost of them with pre-school and is one that works very well.
The South African genus of 11 species, of which only one has grown a lot. Mimetes cucullatus has oblong leaves 40 mm long, with small lobes directed at the tips, densely covering the branches above the stairs. The small white flowers in the leaf bracts to change color to a bright red as the buds mature closed. Mimetes can flower all year round, but usually it is better lateSpring when new growth appears, as well as red. Mimetes cucullatus grows to about 1.5 m × 1.5 m and is resistant up to about -3 ° C. Prefers moist, well drained and not very tolerant of drought. This species is usually taken from seed.
The most common types of 18 species of the genus, is a Paranomus reflexus undemanding shrub 1.5 × 1.8 m with bright yellow bottle brush like flowers in winter and spring. The foliage is anemone-like and very finelyCut the stems of flowers are small diamond-shaped leaves under the flowers. And 'easily grown in any well-drained soil in full sun. Even if the plant is resistant to about -5 ° C, the flowers are damaged by frost of -2 ° C. It is usually taken from seed.
An Australian genus of about 75 species of shrubs, usually under 2 m high, and some very small. Known as geebungs, is by far the best known species, the pine-leaf Geebung (Persoon pinifolia), an OrientalAustralia, which is one of the larger species, capable of reaching 3 m high. He has a habit crying, needle-like leaves late and small yellow flowers. Most geebungs is about 2 to 5 ° C. tolerate frost.
Protea is a genus of about 80 species, which is limited in southern Africa and concentrated around the Cape of Good Hope. The species range in size from less than 50 cm high to over 4m. Most commonly grown proteas are small and medium-sized enterprises of shrubs from 1 to 2.5 m highArea.
The best known species is Protea neriifolia. It has narrow leaves up to 150 mm in length, with a fine tomentum of young people are covered. Conducted in the fall, winter and spring, vertical, 125 mm long x 75 mm wide goblet-shaped flowers at the ends of branches. They consist of a woolly central cones are surrounded by cascading together, tilted upward facing, petal-like, deep reddish-pink bracts with a border of hair blacks. Many forms with different colors and hair grew bract tip.Several other species such as Protea laurifolia Protea magnificent and have similar flowers.
The central cone, often with many styles incurving, and all species of Protea, but the arrangement of the bracts varies. Many of them are arranged in a star or star-shaped. The King Protea (Protea cynaroides) is the best known of these species. The flowers can be up to 300 mm in diameter. The flowers of the King Protea, face up, but others, such as green-yellow flowered Proteasulphurea have flowers down.
The foliage is also variable. It can be needle-like, as in Protea nana, lanceolate, oblong or rounded. It may be green-gray silver-green or pale, depending on its type, and may or may not ruffled.
Similarly, the resistance varies considerably. Most species tolerate at least 3 ° C with low humidity and good drainage, but many are considerably tougher. Protea neriifolia resist -5 ° C and is often Protea grandicepssurvive at -10 ° C, when well established. Proteas do well over most of the North Island to the south and many species have grown up in Christchurch with a little winter protection.
Protea species are often raised and germinating seeds, but seedlings can be difficult to keep alive. Hybrids and cultivars must be vegetatively propagated. The usual method is semi-ripe cuttings in late summer and fall provided. Specialist breeder stocks many types and varieties, while the gardenCenters rarely have anything but the most common plants.
Blushing Bride (Serrure Florida) is very popular with florists because its Nigella-like bracts are very delicate white paper and will last as cut flowers. The bracts, which are surrounded by finely cut lacy leaves, are produced freely in winter and spring. Blushing Bride can be difficult to grow, because not only is an early frost (tolerates only occasional exposure to -2 ° C), must also be in full sunand absolutely perfect drainage. Belongs to a genus 44 species from South Africa, of which only other species commonly grown rosy Serrure. It is a densely green 70 cm x 90cm bush with small pink bracts and grow something harder and easier, in each case as Serrure florida. Serrure species should be obtained from seeds.
The Queensland Firewheel Tree (Stenocarpus sinuata) is a large tree (12m x 8m) that produces a magnificent display of orangered flowers in summer. And 'big, glossy, dark green leaves are deeply lobed. The flowers are tubular and are held in groups that have spread across flat-speak as a central hub, then the tree Firewheel name. And 'resistance to about -4 ° C, once established, is very tender when young and grows best in moist soil in full sun and well drained. Stenocarpus salignus is a guy with long narrow leaves and flowers cream. And 'smaller and more robust Stenocarpus sinuata.Stenocarpus drawn generally from seed.
Native of Australia, the Waratah generally includes only four species. The New South Wales Waratah (Telopea speciosissima), which is the most widely cultivated, has long, finely serrated leaves that are up to 125 mm long with small notches or lobes at the tips. It develops into a large shrub or small tree up to 5m x 5m. The flowers are produced in spring and carried on the tips of the branches, are extraordinarily large, brightred, and consists of numerous incurving surrounded by red foliage bracts article. Several varieties, such as 'Forest Fire' semi-dwarf (2m x 2m) are quite available. The 'Victorian Waratah' (Telopea oreades) is a plant with similar leaves and flowers a little lighter. Both species and cultivars are resistant as -8 ° C.
Waratahs prefer moist well-drained soil in full sun and once established require little care. But many in the dyingPlant initial period. This may be essential to establish the mycorrhizal otherwise. These fungi form a symbiotic relationship with minute plant roots and are essential for the absorption of nutrients. It has been suggested that ingestion of soil from around an established and Waratah put around plants to help this new organizational difficulties. Waratahs can be raised from seed or semi-ripe cuttings, but are difficult to obtain. Some success has been achieved with tissueCulture and that's how some of the new varieties produced.
The only species of this genus is the smallest of New Zealand proteaceous are two known species. Previously listed as Persoon Toru, Toru Toroni as it is now known. A small bushy tree that can grow approximately 9m x 5m, is usually much smaller in the gardens. The narrow, lance-shaped olive-green to bronze leaves are about 100mm in length, but can grow to over 150 mm on trees in sheltered positions. The buffcolored sky flowers appear in late winter and early spring, are held in groups and the development of the golden brown felted buds. And 'only grown in any moist, well drained soil in full sun or partial shade and is resistant to about -8 ° C once established. Thoron Toru is a plant quite spectacular, but its flowers are pleasantly scented and honey is interesting because it is one of our most unusual inhabitants. These species can be grown from cuttings, but are usuallyhard to beat, is the preferred method of sperm.

The protea family (Proteaceae)

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Thursday, August 18, 2011

Ponytail Palm Bonsai Tree by Sheryls Shop

!±8± Ponytail Palm Bonsai Tree by Sheryls Shop

Rate : | Price : | Post Date : Aug 18, 2011 08:23:15
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Beautiful Pony Tail Palm Bonsai Tree by Sheryls Shop. Great for the beginner, slow to medium growing time, humidity tray recommended, can be kept by a window or in the middle the room!

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Sunday, August 14, 2011

Cyprus Gardening - Planting in Mediterranean Paradise

!±8± Cyprus Gardening - Planting in Mediterranean Paradise

Who can resist a beautiful garden? Is there a better way to keep your eyes when enjoying the colorful flowers in bloom and the green of the leaves, just the sunny rest? To appreciate a garden, we immediately connect with nature, and there are often some of the stress of our day to day life throws the easy way out. We are reminded that the best things in life are not necessarily things. It can be as much joy rests on a small flower bud, waiting tobe shared. Now if only it were that easy to have a garden.

In fact, it can - if you live in a blessed place as the sun of Cyprus. The Eurasian island nation in the eastern Mediterranean Sea is the third largest island in the Mediterranean. It enjoys a climate where almost everything grows, from tulips to orchids, tropical fruits, fruit, usually grown in cooler countries. With the right methods of gardening equipment you can have your very own Mediterranean paradiseGarden of blooming flowers, fruits, vegetables and herbs.

But for beginner gardeners, Cyprus can be a challenge in the garden. With a garden in Cyprus, in contrast with nowhere else in the world. The sun of Cyprus is the whole year so the temperatures are very high in summer. There is very little rainfall, often in the months between November and March. In winter you can freeze. In addition, the floor made of red clay or sandy and more permeable andusually not deep. But an expert for the gardener, it is easy to handle.

Cyprus garden is a high maintenance garden for people to stay long on the island country, maintenance, or for those that only travel to Cyprus for a few weeks a year. Very low maintenance gardens with plants that would look more or less to himself. In Cyprus, most plants grow ten times faster than they grow in countries like the United Kingdom. In Cyprus GardeningKnowledge of the vegetation is essential.

There are many look for bold, striking architectural plants in Cyprus. One of these is the Phormium tenax, also known as the New Zealand flax, a clump forming perennial that grows as a semi-evergreen in the island nation. It is erect, elongated, dark green leaves with red flowers like a pipe. Phormium tenax This is usually planted more for its foliage effect. It can reach a height of 12 feet.

If you want tosomething smaller, you can also plant Phormium 'Sundowner'. This is nice, wide, straight, dark bronze green leaves with pink fringe. It is even more beautiful in the evening sun. Other changes are minor 'Bronze Baby' Phorium tenax, the fat has bronze leaves and grows only up to two 58 feet high, and "Dazzler", bronze leaves hung with red stripes, pink and orange.

Looking for bold Mediterranean garden can also plant agaveAmericana 'Marginata', which can grow up to 25 meters in 10 years or so. This plant is stiff, fleshy spikes and jagged edges, but the yellow-fringed leaves of this plant is very attractive.

Another system worthy of note is the Yucca gloriosa, with narrow lance-shaped leaves. There is also the cabbage palm, Cordyline australis, with its palm trees like twigs in a vertical position, the thin piece by piece, as the plant ages.

It is also possible to plant fruit trees such as citrusVariety, olives, apples and peaches. For variety you can include Juglans regia, walnut or English or Morus alba, mulberry, or is another beautiful evergreen ornamental tree Eriobotrya japonica, Loquat as well known.

With so many choices facility, including the pretty perennial garden, Cyprus may open the way to your little paradise in the Mediterranean.

Cyprus Gardening - Planting in Mediterranean Paradise

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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Bonsai - Bonsai Tree Guide

!±8± Bonsai - Bonsai Tree Guide

To help you start your hobby, bonsai gardening, you must first select the right type of bonsai, cropping, cutting branches and roots and continues to rise and the wiring for the shape and design of a system that was expected to yield chooses.

When you select a bonsai tree you have in mind various factors such as climate, temperature, your lifestyle, care and maintenance, keep your choice and preference shares, the congruence with the institution in your home, etc.

Sincehave indoor and outdoor bonsai, bonsai trees. For the first category, decisions are a bit 'limited. If you have an active lifestyle and drive for the time bound and dedicated it feels will not be able to take much time or work behind the care and maintenance of your bonsai, you should opt for low maintenance and trouble-free bonsai tree that opt-resistant and requires minimal maintenance.

Some people have a fascination with exotic bonsai tree species from distant countries, which require not onlyoptimal care, but also difficult to adapt to the environment abroad. Adaptability is a factor, you should always keep in mind while you are a bonsai tree, because they certainly do not want your bonsai species, having to go near a fortune for their transit and base maintenance.

For example, tropical trees is difficult to adjust, in a Canadian winter or Norwegian or Russian. Most experts recommend that non-native horticultural plants acclimateeasily adapt to the environment, are more stress-free and require little maintenance. They are ideal for busy executives on the move.

What I'm trying to hammer - not just for looks or the fall of fantasy exotic charm. It 'a common mistake that people love costs. The following is a list of bonsai that is ideal for you. Choose what you like.

Bonsai Tree

Zelkova serrata
Umbrella tree
Tree of a Thousand Stars
Chinese bird plum
Black locust or false acacia
Fire Thorn
Varieties of plums, cherries, black plug
Philippines Bantigue
Virginia Creeper
Boston ivy
Heavenly or sacredBamboo
Flowering crabapple
Star magnolia
Bush honeysuckle
Amber tree
Honey Locust
Ginkgo Tree
Spindle tree
Common Quince
Chinese quince
Smoke Tree
Judas tree
Fukien Tea
Wooden box
Japanese Maple

These are the most common names of these bonsai trees, you can also choose between their various sub-varieties.

Bonsai - Bonsai Tree Guide

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Sunday, August 7, 2011

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Sunday, July 31, 2011

Maintenance and growth of plants resistant to drought Herb Rosemary bush and delicious cuisine

!±8± Maintenance and growth of plants resistant to drought Herb Rosemary bush and delicious cuisine

Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) is a perennial evergreen shrub. Not only are they wonderful cooking herbs, they are also considered a reliable basis in any drought tolerant landscape. These plants come from the Mediterranean, mild winter for the hot, summer, and generally known in the rainfall is low.

Some common names for rosemary include Dew of the Sea, Compass Weed and Elf Leaf. In medieval tradition, the rosemary has been used to promote health, healing and protection.Rosemary was hung over doors to keep out thieves and worn to relieve depression and improve mental faculties. Everything can be burned as incense and is used as a substitute for incense. In Victorian times, Rosemary was used as a symbol of remembrance and worn by brides on their wedding day.

Rosemary is fragrant, sticky leaves with deep green pine needles on the top and bottom white. Branches of rosemary are elderly and have a thin brown paper that looks like this forPeeling bark. Rosemary plants are easily grown in containers and can also be used for bonsai. Rosemary can be shaped into small cone-shaped Christmas tree, or grown in cages in the shape of the network and fantastic topiary creations. Left untrimmed, rosemary has a habit drapes and you see hanging over pots, or tracks are collapsing. Pinch the tips of branches shrubbier promote growth - and use the fragrant leaves in your dinner.

It blooms in winter and rosemarySpring. The flowers are usually blue, but white and pink varieties, can be used in stores or online seed catalogs, nurseries found. The flowers are small, about 1 / 2, but cover the tips of the stems in a way that makes the entire system blue. For dramatic impact on the landscape plant a row of high rosemary in a rock garden, or on top of a series of steps from the garden. A bank of rosemary in bloom falling on the border looks like a wave of blue and green. When RosemaryIt is made of brushed a cloud of perfume in the air refreshing.

Rosemary plants grow slowly up to six meters, but are generally much less seen as potted plants in containers. Rosemary likes full sun but can grow in light shade. Rosemary can tolerate regular watering the garden, but happy to survive the drought. Tolerated spray, alkaline soils and hot summers.

Rosemary is also subject to root rot, so do not let the plants grow in a pot wet. In the gardenIf the soil is clayey, and retains a lot of water, you must ensure that the soil before watering again dry. Although, if it's 120 degrees in your area, you might want to throw in a supplementary irrigation. Give your plants a good soaking once a month instead of every week a couple of sprays will develop deep roots that help them survive drought support.

Rosemary plants are a precious plant in the kitchen. You can use fresh from the garden, simply remove the part fromwoody stems. Rosemary has a good taste of meat, in soups or stews or with vegetables. Whole branches are ideal for stuffing chicken or turkey meat. Or a sprig of rosemary in olive oil for dipping with French bread. Layer slices of bread with fresh rosemary, then warm slightly. The essential oils penetrate the bread and the springs can be eaten raw.

Today, promising research has been done to improve the ability of rosemary, mental capacity and mood. Research on asthma, skinConditions and scalp problems are promising.

Rosemary is a good choice for container gardens, vegetable gardens or desert. Stop to learn more and take photos.

Maintenance and growth of plants resistant to drought Herb Rosemary bush and delicious cuisine

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Friday, July 29, 2011

Herbal Medicine Chest in Your Garden

!±8± Herbal Medicine Chest in Your Garden

What could be easier to grow an herb garden without much effort? Of course, you must harvest your weeds, but would do it anyway: it's called weeding.

Spring is a particularly fertile time for harvesting your weeds - roots and all - and drugs. Here are some tips on finding, preparing for the harvest, and use a dozen (13) common weeds that grow around you probably already have.

To give the medication you need different glassesMeasurements with members cover. And at least a quart each of apple cider vinegar (pasteurized), vodka (100 proof is best, but do 80 tests) is, and pure olive oil (not extra virgin) or good quality animal fat such as lanolin , lard, or belly fat from a lamb or children. You want to pay a knife, a cutting board, and some rags to clean.

Typically, you fill a glass (any size) with coarsely-chopped fresh, but dry, plant material. (Do not wash any part of the plant except the roots, ifThey are used, and be sure to overwrite the first with a towel to dry them in your vase.) Then you fill the glass with the menstrual cycle, is that the vinegar, oil or alcohol. Label well and leave at room temperature away from sunlight for at least six weeks before settling and use. (See my book Healing Wise for more information on the preparations.)

A guide field is useful for positive identification of your weeds. That is my favorite: A Guide forIdentification of New Zealand Common Weeds in color, full EA Upritchard. (Available from New Zealand Weed and Pest Control Society, PO Box 1654, Palmerston North) This book also shows how the weeds look when they are becoming.

Ready? OK! Let's go out with a guide or expert botanist and plant ID to see what we can find.

Shepherd's purse (Capsella bursa pastoris) is an annual of the mustard family. Cut the top of the plant when he formed hissmall heart-shaped "purses" (seed pods) and a tincture (with alcohol) that is used to stop the bleeding. Midwives and women who bleed heavily during their praise of the rapid effect. Gypsies claim it works well on the stomach and lungs. One dose is one dropper (1 ml), which can reach up to four times a day to repeat.

Cleavers (Gallium aparine) is a persistent, sticky plant which grows abundantly in many abandoned agricultural land and borders. The whole system isstrengthen lymphatic activity. I cut the first two thirds of each plant while in flower (or setting seeds) and the alcohol to make a tincture, tender, swollen breasts, PMS symptoms and reduces allergic reactions. A dose is 15-25 drops (0.5 to 1 ml), repeated if necessary.

Chickweed (Stellaria media) has many applications, including a delicious salad. I cut the top of the whole plant and eat or use of alcohol, make a tincture, which dissolves cysts, strengthens the thyroid, and aidsweight loss. One dose is one dropper (1 ml), up to three times a day.

Daisy (Bellis perennis) is a common perennial herb of meadows and open spaces. Very different than the native daisy (Lagenifera petiole), is the little English daisy feverfew related and has similar functionality. I use the leaves and flowers, a tincture (with alcohol) or medicines to make a vinegar-free headache, muscle aches, and allergic symptoms. A dose is a dropper full of tincture (1 ml), up to twiceDay or a tablespoon of vinegar in the morning.

Dandelion (Taraxacum officinalis) is a persistent perennial of lawns and gardens and one of the best known medicinal plants in the world. (The native dandelion of New Zealand - Taraxacum magellanicum - is on drugs.) Those who love a pure green lawn for Pirates of sunny yellow flowers of the dandelion. But those who are willing to see the beauty in the world (such as children and herbalists) treasure trove of this weed. You can use any part ofDandelion - the root, leaves, flowers and stems of flowers - a vinegar tincture or medicines that can strengthen the liver. A dose of 10-20 drops of tincture (0.5-1 ml) relieves flatulence, heartburn and indigestion, as well as promoting healthy bowel movements. One tablespoon of vinegar is fine, too. More importantly, before meals, dandelion increases the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, making bio-availability of many nutrients, especiallyFootball. Fresh or cooked green leaves with carotenoids, anti-cancer, anti-heart disease helpers loaded. And the oil of the flowers is a massage balm important for maintaining healthy breasts. (There are a lot more information on dandelions in Healing Wise.)

Dock, as well as yellow dock, curly dock, and dock off a perennial plant that my grandmother is the use of Native Americans for "all the problems of women." The Maori call Paewhenua or rune. There is another plant that does not agreewith sheep, especially if the land is overgrazed. I like the yellow roots of Rumex crispus or R. obtusifolius and tincture in alcohol use as an ally when the immune system or liver needs help. A dose is 15-25 drops (0.5 to 1 ml). I also collect leaves and / or seeds throughout the growing season and vinegar to make a doctor put a tablespoon at a time, to increase the concentrations of iron in the blood, reduce flood levels and hormonal and menstrual cramps. If the choppedIn the roots are immersed in oil for six weeks, the ointment is that it is useful to keep your breasts healthy.

Ragwort (Senecio vulgaris) and Ragwort (Senecio Jacobea) are perennials that have a reputation for poisoning livestock, like their cousin tansy. Although it is not good for the sheep, these two Senecios some of the oldest medicinal plants in the world, having been found in an old grave 60,000 years ago. You can use the flowering tops and leaves with alcohol, make a tincturewhich acts slowly to tonify the reproductive organs of sleep, ease severe PMS and menstrual pain. A dose is 5-10 drops (.2 -. 5 ml) per day, used only once a day, but for at least 3 months. (A larger dose is used to speed up work.)

Mallow (Malva neglecta, M. parviflora, M. Sylvestre) grow well in neglected gardens and are surprisingly deep. The flowers, leaves, stems, seeds and roots are rich in sticky mucilage which is best extracted by steeping the fresh plant in cold waterone night or more, by a drug or vinegar. The starch is extraordinarily soothing internally (easing sore throats, stomach pain, heartburn, irritable bowel, colic, constipation, food poisoning) and externally (relieving bug bites, burns, sprains, and sore eyes). 'S, flowers, leaves and bark (especially) the local Superior (Hoher populnea) are exactly the same way used by Maori herbalists.

Plantain, also called plantains, pork ear, and the floor is a common plantWeeds from lawns, walkways, parks and playgrounds. Identify the five parallel veins, the length of each sheet. Broadleaf plantain can (Plantago major) found with broad leaves, narrow leaves or plantain (Plantago lanceolata), with lance-thin sheets. Or is it an envelope or a relaxing oil by one of the best wound healers to consider. Not only to increase the rate of healing plantain, but also relieves pain, stops bleeding, draws out impurities,soothe the itching, prevents and stops allergic reactions from bee stings, kills bacteria and reduces swelling.

Try a patch or a generous application of plantain oil or ointment (made by thickening the oil with beeswax) on sprains, cuts, insect bites, rashes, chafing of the skin, boils, sores, chapped lips and chapped, rough hands or pain, baby diaper area, and burns.

Poultice of a banana fresh: Choose a leaf and chew well and put on the boo-boo. "As if by magic" the pain, itching,and swelling disappear quickly! (Yes, you can dry plantain leaves and carry them in your first aid kit. Chew like you would fresh leaves.)

To make plantain ointment: Pick large fresh banana leaves. Chop coarsely. Fill a clean, dry glass, with chopped leaves. Pour pure olive oil in the leaves, poking with a stick, will be released until the glass is completely full of oil and all air bubbles. Cap well. Jar placed in a small bowl to give, to collect overflow. Six weeks of waiting. ThenOil pollution from the plant material, squeezing well. Measure the oil. Heat gently, adding a tablespoon of grated beeswax for every liquid oil oz. Pour into jars and let cool.

St. Joan's wort / Wort (hypericum perforatum) This beautiful perennial wildflower may be hated by sheep farmers to be, but herbalists love. The flowering tops are harvested after they begin to bloom (traditionally on Solstice, June 21) and prepared with alcohol and oil, two of the most importantuseful remedies in my first aid kit. Tincture of St. Joan's wort St. John not only gives a sunny, reliably relieves muscle aches, is a potent anti-viral, and it is my first choice for the treatment of herpes zoster, including sciatica, back pain, neuralgia, migraine and headaches. The usual dose is 1 dropper (1 ml) as often as necessary. In extreme pain from a muscle cramp in the thigh, I used a dropper every 20 minutes to 2 hours or until the pain has diminished at all. S.St. John's wort oil stops cold sores Joan in their tracks and can also relieve the symptoms of genital herpes. I use it for sun protection. Run contrary to popular opinion, not St. John's wort does not cause sensitivity Joan sun, preventing it. It also prevents burn from radiation therapy. Eases sore muscles as well.

To heal (Prunella vulgaris) This perennial mint odor is one of the great unsung healers of the world. The leaves and flowers contain more antioxidants - which prevent cancer and heart disease belowother health properties - than any other plant tested. And as part of the mint family, is to heal yourself with many minerals, especially calcium saturated, making it a very important ally for pregnant, breastfeeding, menopause and post-menopausal women. I have to heal itself leaves in salads in the spring and autumn, a vinegar doctor with flowers in summer, and cook the flowering tops (fresh or dried) in winter soups.

Usnea (Usnea barbata) is that many gray lichens hanging filamentfrom the branches of apple trees or planted in the plantation of Monterey pine trees there, or almost every tree native to the Alps in the fields of the South Island, where he is known as the Maori angiangi. If in doubt of your identification: Pull a thread gently apart with your hands, looking for a white fiber inside the fuzzy gray-green outer coat. To prepare Usnea, collected at any time of year, even if not taken care of too. Usnea grows slowly. Put your harvest in a pan andjust cover with cold water. Bake orange for about 15-25 minutes, or until the water is reduced by about half. Usnea and pour water into a glass and filled to the brim with vegetable substances. (Water should not be more than half of the glass.) Add the highest proof alcohol you can buy. After 6 weeks this tincture is ready for you as an excellent anti-bacterial, infection meet somewhere in the body work. One dose is one dropper (1 ml) with a frequency of every two hours in acuteSituations.

Yarrow (Achellia millefolium) This lovely perennial herb grown in many gardens, it has a variety of applications. Cut the flowering tops (flowers only white yarrow) and use the alcohol for a strongly scented tincture that can be taken internally to do to prevent colds and flu. (A is 10-20 drops, or up to 1 ml). I bring a little 'bottle spray yarrow tincture with me when I'm out and wet my skin every hour or so. A study of the U.S. military showed yarrowDyeing to be more effective than DEET to repel ticks, mosquitoes and sandflies. You can also make a healing ointment with yarrow flower tops and your oil or grease. Yarrow oil is antibacterial, pain, and incredibly helpful in healing all types of wounds.

Herbal Medicine Chest in Your Garden

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